Inner Listening: Rewilding Movement
to Nov 19

Inner Listening: Rewilding Movement

  • Earth Sky Bodyworks (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Inner Listening: Rewilding Movement - On ZOOM!

Join Us Online! 6 Tuesdays / OCT 15-NOV 19 / 6-7:30pm MT / 7-8:30pm CT

Authentic Movement (AM) sometimes known as Contemplative Dance (CDP), is a simple yet profound practice that explores the relationship between our inner and outer experiences, the power of being witnessed, and the journey of arriving in the present moment.

To Register - Contact

Cost - $180 (sliding scale available if you are in financial need)

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TRE Class Series
to Nov 1

TRE Class Series

  • Earth Sky Bodyworks (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TRE® is an innovative series of exercises that assist in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma held in the body.

It is a somatic process that invites a kind of therapeutic shaking or tremoring that activates the same release process we see in animals in the wild who "shake it off" after experiencing a threatening event.

TRE - tension & release exercise is a safe way to release stress held in your nervous system.

Join us for 4 classes on ZOOM

When: Friday Oct 11th - Nov 1st / 11am-12:30pm MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET

Cost: Regular rate $150 / Scaled -$135 / Even more support -$100

Contact Lauren to Register:

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Entanglements: Belonging and the poetics of self-attunement through movement and stillness
to Jul 3

Entanglements: Belonging and the poetics of self-attunement through movement and stillness

Please join us for another contemplative, expressive dive into embodied somatic practice through dance & movement!

Entanglements - Spring AM/CDP Series  /  8 WEDNESDAYS  /  7-8:30PM   /  5/8-7/3  /  $200

 *** Please Register by 4/17 for the series (price goes up a bit after that). 

To Register


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Drop-In AM / CDP Session
6:30 PM18:30

Drop-In AM / CDP Session

New to the Practice!?

Join us for a drop-in session for new folks (and folks who want a one time session). April 17th at 6:30pm -for an orientation for new folks, then into our practice from 7-8:30pm.

To register email

Sliding scale $25-40 / Private dance studio - address & details given upon registration.

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Hibernate, deep dive AM/CDP pracitce
3:00 PM15:00

Hibernate, deep dive AM/CDP pracitce


Movers, dancers, choreographers, meditators, artists, therapists, contemplatives, makers, explorers and humans. This workshop is open for folks with some prior experience with the form or the equivalent.

I’m excited to offer another afternoon workshop where we willl have time for a deep dive into this beautiful practice.

Questions/ Registration - please contact me via email

Cost - regular rate $45-75,

(other limited sliding scale options are available for folks with very low salaries and with strong need of financial assistance).

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Winter Authentic Movement Series 1/25- 3/1 Wednesdays at 7pm
to Mar 1

Winter Authentic Movement Series 1/25- 3/1 Wednesdays at 7pm

Please join us if you are craving more time for embodiment, for deepening your relationship to your body, for inward listening to the language of the body - its gestures and images and movements of action and rest, spiral and reach. Locating the body and somatic awareness in the relational field, we engage both contemplative and expressive practices, held within a safe container.

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Four Part Series, Poetics of the Embryo
to Oct 11

Four Part Series, Poetics of the Embryo

  • Earth Sky Bodyworks (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A Four Part Series to explore Authentic Movement with centering time at the beginning of each class offering imagery and ideas from Embryology.

Please join us if you are craving more time for embodiment, for inward listening to the language of the body - its gestures and images and movements of action and rest, locating the body and somatic awareness in the relational field, we engage both contemplative and expressive practices.

Contact - to REGISTER

Cost - $!00 for series (sliding scale options for folks in need of financial assistance, if this is you please inquire).

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Poetics of the Embryo WORKSHOP
2:30 PM14:30

Poetics of the Embryo WORKSHOP

An AM workshop for the afternoon in the beautiful WoodHaven dance studio.

We will begin with an arrival period, a tuning time with simple concepts and imagery introduced from embryology. Then we will shift into to the AM practice with moving and witnessing, listening for inner impulses for gesture, action and rest with time to share at the end.

Please join us if you are craving more time for embodiment, for inward listening to the language of the body - its gestures and images and movements of action and rest, locating the body and somatic awareness in the relational field, we engage both contemplative and expressive practices.

REGISTER - contact / Cost is $80

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ONLINE Authentic Movement Session - for movers, dancers, meditators, therapists and others
11:00 AM11:00

ONLINE Authentic Movement Session - for movers, dancers, meditators, therapists and others

Please Join Us! for an Authentic Movement (Contemplative Dance) session ONLINE via Zoom

May 6th 11am-1pm CST

11am- 1pm CST (12noon EST, 9am PST)

Open to all interested with some experience with movement and or meditation practice.

To Register- contact -

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Authentic Movement 3 Part Series
7:00 PM19:00

Authentic Movement 3 Part Series

Local Austin folks - Please join us as we gather for the first in-person Authentic Movement group series that we've had in a Long while!

Join us in this generative somatic space of discovery that goes well beyond words, and trains new relational self-experiences into body and psyche! The simple but profound Authentic Movement practice locates the body and somatic awareness in a relational field. It helps practitioners identify and move beyond old patterns to actively practice novel ways of being and relating. This can bring about a freer range of movement through life—physically, emotionally and relationally.

To RESERVE your place & for more INFO - contact Lauren -

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The Awakening Body: An Authentic Movement Practice & Reading Group
to Dec 22

The Awakening Body: An Authentic Movement Practice & Reading Group

  • Earth Sky Bodyworks (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A new Fall Group 2021:

The Awakening Body: An Authentic Movement Practice & Reading Group - begins in October, Register Soon to Save Your Place! Wednesdays 2:30-4:30 pm CST/ 3:30-5:30 pm EST / 12:30-2:30 pm PST /

For healers, therapists, dancers, artists and creatives who wish to tap into the vast richness and nourishment of Authentic Movement practice.

Our group will read Janet Adler’s seminal book on Authentic Movement, Offering from the Conscious Body, and explore verbal and non-verbal themes related to our work as movers, healers and creators. We will talk about the book and what we discover there, but we will also move and witness a lot, entering into the generative somatic space of discovery that goes well beyond words, and trains new relational self-experiences into body and psyche.

The simple but profound Authentic Movement, also called Contemplative Dance, practice locates the body and somatic awareness in a relational field. It helps practitioners identify and move beyond old patterns to actively practice novel ways of being and relating. This can bring about a freer range of movement through life—physically, emotionally and relationally.

Given our times, this group will take place by Zoom. We’ve had good experiences running movement oriented groups and sessions via Zoom and we’re eager to share this work, especially now. We’re all hungrier than ever for embodied connection. So let’s do it!

With Lauren Tietz & Rebecca Pollard-Pierik

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Contemplative Dance Autumn Practice Group /Authentic Movement
to Dec 14

Contemplative Dance Autumn Practice Group /Authentic Movement

  • Earth Sky Bodyworks (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Contemplative Dance Autumn Practice Group 2021

Join us in this generative somatic space of discovery that goes well beyond words, and trains new relational self-experiences into body and psyche. The simple but profound Contemplative Dance/ Authentic Movement practice locates the body and somatic awareness in a relational field. It helps practitioners identify and move beyond old patterns to actively practice novel ways of being and relating. This can bring about a freer range of movement through life—physically, emotionally and relationally.

An 8 week series for movers and meditators, healers, dancers, teachers, parents, poets, yogis and anyone interested in the place where the contemplative meets the expressive. Exact dates & times TBD asap! / Tuesdays 6:30-8pm CST / 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST

Though it is different online, we are also finding that the practice can still offer so much even within this new field of online exchange. social

We will begin classes w/ a simple somatic warm up, a self-tuning time (so you don't need to be looking at the screen at all for that) then we will shift into the practice  of moving (sounding) with closed eyes with myself as the witness for the group. As we move forward in the work together, we will also include the practice of witnessing (with kindness) in groups and an experience of working in dyads towards the end of the series. Often we will have time for “creative forming”  (time to metabolize our movement experience w/ writing or drawing/resting/sounding/or continued moving) before we come together to share our experiences with one another for the last part of each session. All are welcome.

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2:00 PM14:00

SPARKLE BODY/ Somatics in motion

Please join us for this new Month to Month series - Beginning FEB 1st 2021

Registration -

Are you needing a jumpstart in your self-care practice? Is your body feeling fatigued from too much screen time & sitting?

Slow down and join us in a safe, supportive space, to come back in touch with your body, core power, and resiliency! A Gentle exercise/movement class for slowing down, tuning in, mobilization, and core strength.

FB -

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Contemplative Dance Winter Series
to Mar 18

Contemplative Dance Winter Series

  • Earth Sky Bodyworks (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

New Winter Series * January -  21st - March 18th 2021

9 sessions through the winter *  Thursdays 7-8:30pm CDT  *  On Zoom

Please register soon to reserve your place - Space is Limited

Series Cost - Regular Rate = $180 / Sliding scale rates for those in need = $108 - $180

To Register - contact Lauren at *

There is a DROP-IN option for the 1st Class/ JAN 21st if you are new & curious to try the form.... (drop-in is $15-20 sliding scale)

Though it is different, we are finding that the practice can still offer so much even within this new field of social distance.

Join us in this generative somatic space of discovery that goes well beyond words, and trains new relational self-experiences into body and psyche. The simple but profound Contemplative Dance/ Authentic Movement practice locates the body and somatic awareness in a relational field. It helps practitioners identify and move beyond old patterns to actively practice novel ways of being and relating. This can bring about a freer range of movement through life—physically, emotionally and relationally.

We will begin classes w/ a simple somatic warm up, a self-tuning time (so you don't need to be looking at the screen at all for that) then we will shift into the practice  of moving (sounding) with closed eyes with myself as the witness for the group. As we move forward in the work together, we will also include the practice of witnessing (with kindness) in groups and an experience of working in dyads towards the end of the series. Often we will have time for “creative forming”  (time to metabolize our movement experience w/ writing or drawing/resting/sounding/or continued moving) before we come together to share our experiences with one another for the last part of each session. All are welcome.

On Facebook

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[FULL] Offering from the Conscious Body- A Fall Reading & Practice Group (Online)
to Nov 16

[FULL] Offering from the Conscious Body- A Fall Reading & Practice Group (Online)

Offering from the Conscious Body- A Fall Reading & Practice Group (Online)

I’m happy to announce that my colleague Rebecca Pollard-Pierik and I will be holding a 10-week Authentic Movement practice and study group starting Monday, September 14 for healers, therapists, dancers, artists, and creatives who wish to tap into the vast richness and nourishment of Authentic Movement practice. 

Our group will read Janet Adler’s seminal book on Authentic Movement, Offering from the Conscious Body, and explore verbal and non-verbal themes related to our work as movers, healers, and creators. We will talk about the book and what we discover there, but we will also move and witness a lot, entering into the generative somatic space of discovery that goes well beyond words, and trains new relational self-experiences into body and psyche.


Mondays 4-5:30, September 14th - November 16th, 2020

Questions or to Register- Email

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Spring AM/Contemplative Dance
to May 21

Spring AM/Contemplative Dance

Join us for -
Authentic Movement/ Contemplative Dance!

8 THURSDAYS 7:30-9pm
March 26th - May 21st
(No Class April 16th)

RSVP to Lauren at or 512-699-1086
Space is limited

dance studio in Travis Heights studio (address given with registration)

Pay through Venmo (@Lauren-Tietz-1) OR Paypal (to / to friends & family please).
8 Classes = $144 (Sliding Scale option for those in need, please inquire if this is you!)
DROP-IN for 1st class ($20) and if you cannot make the while series - there is an option to pay for half/ 4 classes.

Authentic Movement practice/ Contemplative Dance

Where mindfulness meets creative expression
Where movement and rest cycle naturally
Where the contemplative meets the expressive
Where we practice seeing and being seen in a safe loving space
No experience necessary - open to trained dancers and new movement explorers alike
More about the practice....

Authentic Movement practice also known as Contemplative Dance is a rich contemplative and expressive practice that comes from the dance and movement therapy lineage. The experience is sourced through the body. Movers learn to listen for and trust their inner sensations and impulses unfolding naturally, cultivating a depth of present moment embodiment.

During an Authentic Movement (AM) session, students work in a safe container resting and moving at their own pace with eyes closed, listening to inner experiences and movement impulses to find ways of moving that feel nourishing and satisfying. The practice can be with groups or dyads but involves one person/s working in the role of “mover/s,” while another serves as a “witness.”

All are welcome, no prior movement experience required, just an open mind and desire to listen inwardly.

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