Offering from the Conscious Body- A Fall Reading & Practice Group (Online)
I’m happy to announce that my colleague Rebecca Pollard-Pierik and I will be holding a 10-week Authentic Movement practice and study group starting Monday, September 14 for healers, therapists, dancers, artists, and creatives who wish to tap into the vast richness and nourishment of Authentic Movement practice.
Our group will read Janet Adler’s seminal book on Authentic Movement, Offering from the Conscious Body, and explore verbal and non-verbal themes related to our work as movers, healers, and creators. We will talk about the book and what we discover there, but we will also move and witness a lot, entering into the generative somatic space of discovery that goes well beyond words, and trains new relational self-experiences into body and psyche.
Mondays 4-5:30, September 14th - November 16th, 2020
Questions or to Register- Email